Since we had arrived so early, we thought we had plenty of time to go out and see a few things on our own, so we walked the 5 or 6 blocks to the subway station where we caught a train into downtown New York City and got off just a couple of blocks from the Empire State Building. We walked there and after buying tickets, walked thru the zigzag line with the hundreds of other people on the way to the requisite metal detectors and x-rays of my purse. When you finally get thru that, the first elevator takes you up to the 80th floor where you have to get off, wade thru the zigzag line and wait for another elevator to go to the 86th floor, a wait of approximately 45 minutes. OR . . . . You could walk up the last six floors. Guess which we did . . . .Oh yeah, we walked up, of course.
We ate some supper in a little restaurant near the subway station before heading back. After a little glitch at the subway station on our return trip, we were able to backtrack our previous route and get back to the camper by about 5:30. (The glitch was that we bought tickets for the subway, when we needed tickets for the Path (another subway). There was no way to get them transferred so we had to just throw them away. Only $4.25 down the drain.) Now we’re settled in for the evening and have a full day planned with an early departure of 7:15.
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