Friday, September 26, 2008

September 26, 2008 – Minuteman Campground, Ayer, MA

We’ve had RAIN today! We woke up about 6:00 am hearing drops hit the roof of the trailer. It sounded worse than it was. I went out to walk Penny and it was just drizzling, but all the forecasts have been predicting heavy rains for today and tomorrow, clearing on Sunday. Larry left early, about 7:00 to get an oil change on the truck. I decided to use that time to vacuum a little. When Larry got back, we had some breakfast and then we got the laundry together. I went to the laundry center here at the campground and when I got done with that Larry had plans ready to do a little more local sightseeing.

We went to Lowell, MA, which is just 10 miles or so from here. That is the site of the Boott Cotton Mills Museum which is a former textile mill that has been set up as a museum and is managed by the National Park Service.

Apparently they have more than the textile mill on a tour that includes a canal boat and trolley rides. Because of the rain, all we did was tour the textile mill where they had working looms on display. They had videos of interviews of former workers and displays depicting the American Industrial Revolution. Most of the people in the interviews stressed how bad the working conditions had been, with the noise, the dust and the demand for more and more production, but they all said they felt lucky to have had a job. Before leaving Lowell, we went into a small quilt museum also.

Now we are “home”. We’re in for the night, warm and dry, while we listen to the rain hammer on the roof.

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