Thursday, October 2, 2008

October 2, 2008 – Herkimer Diamond Mines Park, Herkimer, NY

We woke up to rain again today. It soon let up enough to get Penny out for a little while, but we had light rain while Larry was hooking up. This was a day of driving again. Probably four hours out of the six hour drive were on two lane roads. Since the GPS is programmed for the shortest route, sometimes the roads were questionable for being two lanes. Up, down and up, down again was the norm most of the day as we skirted the White Mountains of Vermont, the Tongue Mountain Range of New York and the lower edge of the Adirondack Mountains also in New York. A couple of places Larry said “I can’t believe I got the trailer through there.” We certainly took the scenic route and the roads less traveled.

As a side note, our GPS is named Greta Pauline Segelken (GPS). So Greta was taking some rather harsh criticism today! She took it all in stride though, always with a smile in her voice.

Through all the narrow roads, we drove in rain most of the day as well. When we got to our campground it was raining lightly. By the time we got into our site, it started to rain harder, then harder still while Larry was getting everything hooked up. Within 5 minutes of getting it all done and coming inside, it quit raining and the sun came out. The rain and sun have continued to alternate every 30 minutes, but it’s cold here, temps about 48 to 50 all afternoon. Snow showers are predicted for the higher altitudes – not here, we’re in a valley. I fixed spaghetti and a salad tonight so we could just stay in and relax after a trying drive.

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