Sunday, May 27, 2012

26-28 May – Dakotah Meadows, Prior Lake, Mn

We will be at Dakotah Meadows until Tuesday morning spending time with Lora and family. The drive was about 225 miles on Saturday. It was as an easy drive until we hit Albert Lee, MN. Sky turned black and we ran though a major rain storm. I have never seen so many cars pulled off the road because of rain. But, since we could see well, I thought it was more dangerous to pull over than it was to slow down and keep driving. We made it into the campground about 1 o’clock and Lora and family brought us lunch from Culvers. We spent some time at the RV, than headed to their house for the rest of the day.

Today (Sunday) was a fun day with a project. We spent today changing the swing set I (Larry) helped build eight years ago, into a fort for Alec by enclosing the playhouse section.
Alec Helping
Kyle Helping
Almost Done
Finishing Up
Done for the day.

I had a lot of fun working with Darrell and the boys on the project (one of the things I like best, being able to help and feeling useful). I think by the time we finished today it had really taken shape. With a few small things to finish tomorrow, they will have fun painting it at a later date. Today was the hot day with temperature in the 90’s. Storms are moving through as I write this and than tomorrow will only be in the 70’s. Go figure, we picked the hot day. But with a breeze blowing all day it did not feel that bad.

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