Thursday, May 31, 2012

31 May 2012 - St. Mary Glacier Park KOA Kampground, St. Mary, M T

We left Glasgow this morning and headed west in the fog. Not too many miles from Glasgow, we were moving right along going about 60 miles an hour on a two lane road (we were out of the fog by this time), when we came up over a hill to find a couple of guys on horses herding some cattle right on the roadway. They hurried up and started moving the cattle off to the side, as we braked as much as we could. They got away safely and we did too.

Within about an hour or so from Glasgow we started seeing some snow capped mountains. Those first ones were just a small mountain range called Brown Mountain.

We skirted around them and an hour or so later, we started seeing a large mountain range with lots of snow on top. Those stayed within our sight the whole rest of the way. We saw a lots of cattle ranches today and lots of wheat fields. The wheat here grows all summer and is harvested in the fall. They have HUGE grain elevators in this area and every little town had an elevator beside the railroad tracks, plus an occasional one between towns. We saw a few antelope along the way, but I think that was the only wildlife for today.

We drove about 7 hours today to get here just outside Glacier National Park. It’s a nice campground and very scenic, situated almost in a bowl between the mountains.

One aspect about it though that’s not thrilling, the park guidelines paper gives instructions to put your garbage in the “bear proof containers”. Yikes! There is no TV reception here, including no satellite service for TV, so I guess we’ll be reading our books tonight or maybe play a game of cards. Tomorrow we plan to do some driving into Glacier Park, but we’ve been told that some of the roads have not been cleared of snow yet.

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