Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 18, 2012 – Victorian Acres RV Park & Campground, Nebraska City, NE

Larry: We did about another 485 miles again today. We drove longer then planned today for a couple of reasons. We were going to split the last legs up into 3 shorter segments. When we hit the Midwest heat, we saw 100 degrees today, we decided to drive longer rather then set in the camper waiting for it to finally cool down. With a 100 degree day outside, it will take hours for the camper to cool off. So with the extra mileage, it allows us to divide the last legs into 2 segments. We are both anxious to get home and we should be there by 5 tomorrow evening. The truck is cool while driving and we sent Lenny a note to go over and turn down our thermostat, so the house should be cool when we get home. I jokingly said we could drive straight through and get home by 2am. Setting and waiting for the RV to cool down, I am not sure of how much a joke that suggestion really was.

Karen: When we finally stopped after a long day of driving, the camper seemed like it would never cool down. At 98 degrees, it felt cooler outside. We were questioning whether the A/C was working or not. I suggested we might go check into a hotel. Larry nixed that idea – 1. Because of the dogs 2. He said he’d just drive home before he’d check into a hotel. Finally we decided to go get gas in the truck and at least be in the a/c that long and get some ice cream while we were out. We did that, when we came back to the camper it had cooled down some. At least now it is bearable. Tomorrow we will be home!

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