Thursday, September 30, 2010

September 30, 2010 Home Troy, IL

We are home! Larry likes to put it on me that we can’t be gone longer than X number of days, but this time he better take the blame. There was hardly any stopping him once we headed east. I have two nephews in Oklahoma, one in Oklahoma City and one in Tulsa. I thought we could take an extra day or two and see both of them. No, OK City was “too far out of the way”, so we only got to see Jim and Johnna in Tulsa. So we are home a day or two sooner than we had thought we would be.

We did stop yesterday near Branson but didn’t have time to do a blog. We got in there about 2:00 and got set up, then went to Velma and Burnell’s house for a visit. They grilled some burgers and also had homemade apple pie and ice cream for dessert. We played a couple of games of gin-rummy before heading back to the camper for the night. We did have good internet service there at Acorn Acres in Branson West which is probably less than ½ mile from their place, but it was too late for any blog entry.

Larry has some statistics from our trip:
4592 Total Miles
3382 Towing Miles
25 Days
8 States
7 National Parks
2 State Parks

Thanks for following our blog. This will be our last entry till our next lengthy trip.

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